The title a bit strange but I don’t care as I believe on “stay hungry stay foolish” quote :-). My last experience with FreeBSD is FreeBSD 7 and jump to version 9 is make think to relearn all those server stuff I ever knew. I think everything is different know but I prefer to that with experiment way. Document every process that I think interesting. Almost 1 month since I install FreeBSD 9.2 and now I try to update the box. Security update etc.
I hope this tool still work now.
# freebsd-update fetch
Looking up update.FreeBSD.org mirrors… none found.
Fetching public key from update.FreeBSD.org… failed.
No mirrors remaining, giving up.
Tuning /etc/freebsd-update.conf and change these section :
# BackupKernel yes
# If BackupKernel is enabled, the backup kernel is saved to this
# directory.
# BackupKernelDir /boot/kernel.old
BackupKernel yes
# If BackupKernel is enabled, the backup kernel is saved to this
# directory.
BackupKernelDir /boot/kernel.old
save and rerun freebsd-update fetch.
That’s the only thing I care when update or upgrading.
More details available from handbook.
Picture : Stay Hungry Stay Foolish Sticker by Retro_Zombies