Sometime I got message ‘can’t resolve hostname’, till I use this simple technique I don’t have problem when my ISP dns server get down or when I have to protect my self from porn or phishing content. I use 4 (four) dns server, two using ISP dns server and the rest using OpenDNS. Here’s step […]

I’ve found my maia-mailguard not working, I run configtest to find out : mail# /var/amavisd/maia/scripts/ MAIA MAILGUARD CONFIGURATION TEST This script checks for the presence of applications and Perl modules required by amavisd-maia, SpamAssassin, and Maia Mailguard’s maintenance scripts.  Version numbers are also checked, and if a newer version of a component is recommended, you […]

just found error in /var/log/messages and when I try to backup postfix database. mail# mysqldump -upostfix -p postfix > postfix.sql Enter password: mysqldump: Got error: 1044: Access denied for user ‘postfix’@’localhost’ to database ‘postfix’ when using LOCK TABLES checking user privileges using information_schema mail# mysql -upostfix -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands […]