Step by Step Install CCproxy for Your Windows XP

Howto make my windows XP ready for internet sharing?

Howto set server for my family?

Yes, that question came from my friend who has laptop and want to share his ADSL connection with his family.

I often refer to builtin ICS that windows XP provide by at this moment I’ll use CCProxy software, another software that I think easy to set and powerfull. Help me alot in setting fast server 🙂

I start by explaining install steps for CCProxy :

1. Download latest version of ccproxy from here

2. Double click to install, click Next

2. Click Next

3. Click Next

4.  CLick Next

5. Confirmation page, summary of settings . Click Install

6. CLick Finish

7. CCProxy launch and ready to serve, not configured yet.

If you see this, it means installation goes well.

At next article I’ll talk about configuration step.

Stay tune 🙂
