Since its v4 release I don’t have time to test this version in my windows 10 box.
Today is the right time because I don’t know, I want to hehehe.
I already have phalcon 3.4.5 installed and related phalcon dev tools.
phalcon info
Phalcon DevTools (3.4.0)
OS: Windows NT DESKTOP-O8J2929 10.0 build 18362 (Windows 10) AMD64
PHP Version: 7.2.26
PHP Bin: C:\laragon\bin\php\php-7.2.26-nts-Win32-VC15-x64\php.exe
PHP Extension Dir: C:\php\ext
PHP Bin Dir: C:\php
Loaded PHP config: C:\laragon\bin\php\php-7.2.26-nts-Win32-VC15-x64\php.ini
Phalcon DevTools Version: 3.4.0
Phalcon Version: 3.4.5
AdminLTE Version: 2.3.6
PHP 7.4.4 nts already in place
? php -m | grep phalcon
Warning: Cannot load module ‘phalcon’ because required module ‘psr’ is not loaded in Unknown on line 0
? php -m | grep phalcon

Choose proper nts for my 64 bit machine

Enable phalcon and psr extension from Extensions menu and restart laragon

Time for phalcon devtools
Preparation before cloning
mv phalcondevtools phalcondevtools3
git clone
Cloning into ‘phalcon-devtools’…
remote: Enumerating objects: 27110, done.
remote: Total 27110 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 27110
Receiving objects: 100% (27110/27110), 19.44 MiB | 1.65 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (14463/14463), done.
mv phalcon-devtools phalcondevtools4
mv phalcondevtools3 phalcondevtools
At this moment I have two folder :
phalcondevtools -> for phalcon 3
phalcondevtools4 -> for phalcon 4
Install phalcon dev tools 4′
cd phalcondevtools4
composer install
Check it now
C:\phalcondevtools4 (master)
? phalcon info
Phalcon DevTools (4.0.3)
OS: Windows NT DESKTOP-O8J2929 10.0 build 18362 (Windows 10) AMD64
PHP Version: 7.4.4
PHP Bin: C:\laragon\bin\php\php-7.4.4-nts-Win32-vc15-x64\php.exe
PHP Extension Dir: C:\php\ext
PHP Bin Dir: C:\php
Loaded PHP config: C:\laragon\bin\php\php-7.4.4-nts-Win32-vc15-x64\php.ini
Phalcon DevTools Version: 4.0.3
Phalcon Version: 4.0.6
AdminLTE Version: 2.3.6
Test call from absolutee path
Phalcon DevTools (4.0.3)
Available commands:
info (alias of: i)
commands (alias of: list, enumerate)
controller (alias of: create-controller)
module (alias of: create-module)
model (alias of: create-model)
all-models (alias of: create-all-models)
project (alias of: create-project)
scaffold (alias of: create-scaffold)
migration (alias of: create-migration)
webtools (alias of: create-webtools)
serve (alias of: server)
console (alias of: shell, psysh)
Great, now its time for symbolic link
Well, at the moment symbolic link is not work so I use absolute path to create phalcon 4 project.