I can’t wait much longer to try out my sun solaris startet kit, no spare harddisk for me till I remember my VirtualBox.
After doing search in google i found usefull link : Iso Recorder V 2
This great tool created by Alex Feinman
Since I already has Windows XP sp 2 installed, I can continue convert my solaris 10 dvd into iso file for my VirtualBox
Here’s my step by step :
1. Download newest build of Iso Recorder , put in some place
2. Double click to start installation process
3. Choose I Agree then click Next
4. Click Next to continue
5. Click Next to start installation
6. Click Close to exit
7. I’m checking my solaris 10 dvd content first 🙂
8. Right click on DVD icon then choose “create image from CD”
8. Choose a place to save the image
9. Watch the progress
10. After image creation process complete click “Finish” button then see my image file
ready for VirtualBox, vmware or VirtualPC 🙂