New Server has come and again I must downgrade php version to 5.2 due to some problem on web application. I use same method I use for Ubuntu 10.04 for Ubuntu 10.10 x86. Let start Download required files for PHP 5.2 from Ubuntu Karmic repository #cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d #wget # cd /etc/apt/preferences.d/ #wget # […]

I have chance to install new server with standard requirement. SSH, Bind9 and LAMP. All process is smooth using i386 version of Ubuntu 10.04 but my friend complain about his web application not work well and after little investigation it looks like due to PHP version. Quick search on Google lead me to RandyFay post […]

Stop Zimbra Service su – zimbra $ zmcontrol stop Host Stopping stats…Done. Stopping mta…Done. Stopping spell…Done. Stopping snmp…Done. Stopping archiving…Done. Stopping antivirus…Done. Stopping antispam…Done. Stopping imapproxy…Done. Stopping memcached…Done. Stopping mailbox…Done. Stopping convertd…Done. Stopping logger…Done. Stopping ldap…Done. $ $ exit logout # Backup Zimbra # cd /opt # tar cvzf zimbra.tar.gz zimbra Check Zimbra Version […]

Your Zimbra Network License expired 24 days ago 🙂 Yes, that message show up when I log in to one of my client and they ask me to renew the license. Well, the process itself isn’t difficult as what you need to extend zimbra license just ask sales at they will email license key […]

License for one of our client get expired and current status is in grace period. Accident happen when server was forced to shutdown due to electrical problem. When the server goes up nothing email server still down. I try to start the service manually. $ zmcontrol start Host Unable to determine enabled services from […]