Recent electric failure result make my mail server down. After reboot, doing fsck -y and so on. Restart again email still down. After see the log, action taken to make mail server up as fast as I can. mail# tail -f /var/log/maillog Nov 7 08:01:18 mail postfix/smtpd[6714]: lost connection after RCPT from[] Nov 7 […]
Author: alamster
FreeBSD 7.0 beta2 and 6.3 Beta1
The 7.0-BETA2 builds have completed and are on many of the FreeBSDmirror sites. If you want to update an existing machine using cvsup useRELENG_7 as the branch tag. Instructions on using FreeBSD Update toperform a binary upgrade from FreeBSD 6.x to 7.0-BETA2 will be providedvia the freebsd-stable list when available. Download for i386 : 7.0 […]
Create Paging with PHP : Link collection
Soon or later everyone who learn php will face this thing : ‘paging‘ blog, guest book, search result are using paging for displaying data. Make it easy to read and more friendly some picture of paging implementation : Good paging code will survive when record in database or file system getting bigger. many url […]
Install FreeProxy for your lan
What software do I need for creating simple proxy server for my lan? Is it simple? good for handling connection for around 5 or 9 user ? Dunno, coz I use ICS in my windows xp for that work 🙂 Recent walk to snapfiles lead me FreeProxy. Download this software and install it in screen […]
101 links of tutorials, tips, tricks and scripts for iptables
I wanna learn about iptables but don’t know where to start, this post perhaps will be my collection of link around iptables. Perhaps I can learn it by doing 🙂 Tutorial : Frozentux iptables tutorial (cool) Using Linux iptables or ipchains to set up an internet gateway / firewall / router for home or office […]