I just realized that today is November 1 and a few big thing release : Openbsd 4.0 is out Freebsd 6.2 reach it’s Beta3 Pfsense 1.01 out Code Igniter release new update ( very active development ) My Freebsd 6.1 need upgrade and so my openbsd box ( 3.7) I still new in CI […]
Author: alamster
Add fancy alias for your localhost or
A few student in my class ask me how to change default address for testing php script from http://localhost or into some real name like derick.com or google.com while they offline at home and no internet connection availabe at home . After googling for /etc/hosts equivalent finaly I got the answer, still related name […]
Easy PHP Installer , XAMPP or WAMP ?
In my recent study to help me study PHP5, I’m looking forward for “easy php installer” that can help me to code in PHP4 (production) and then easily change to PHP5 (learning OOP). I used to use Appserv in my laptop or office PC but now it can’t help me any longer with PHP5 and […]
Do You Use PHP5 in Production?
PHP 5 is getting mature , last version according to php.net is 5.1.6 but still many people (specially me) tend not to use in production scale . Why ? 1. As newbie , I’m afraid of OOP PHP 5 support “real OOP” , person who has background with C++ or Java or Delphi has no […]