After read this article I try to practice in other server that has gigabit ethernet card . I have download opensuse 10.3 in Gnome and KDE version and use it as sample stuff for sending via scp. sending before tuning : monitor# scp openSUSE-10.3-GM-GNOME-i386.iso [email protected]:/home/mother Password: openSUSE-10.3-GM-GNOME-i386.iso 100% 665MB 10.2MB/s 01:05 ftp# sysctl kern.ipc.maxsockbuf=262144 ftp# […]
Author: alamster
kldxref: file isn’t dynamically-linked while upgrade to FreeBSD 7
Recent upgrade to FreeBSD 7 using cvsup with tag : RELENG_7 seem smooth except last result in make installkernel kldxref: file isn’t dynamically-linked this message make me confuse, since it’s first time I see the message. copy old kernel already in my mind until googling for while this url encourage me to reboot 🙂 checking […]
7.0-BETA1 Available, 6.3-BETA1 coming soon…
Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU We have entered the final phases of the FreeBSD-7.0 Release cycle which also means the beginning of the FreeBSD-6.3 Release cycle. Because the people who support the ports for FreeBSD also need to go through a freeze cycle as part of releases we had decided to combine the two releases […]
Hammer Filesystem on DFlyBSD 2.0
Recent blogwalking to dragonflybsd related blog lead me to Hammer filesystem. Another filesystem, thats my thought in first impression till I see more description about it . Dragonflybsd 2.0 will include this filesystem. I still waiting for FreeBSD releng 7 for it’s ZFS. I’m quite happy for snapshot version ( September version ). Can’t wait […]
GNS3 0.3 available
We are proud to announce the version 0.3 of GNS3, this version is considered as a beta. A lot of new features and bug-fixes are available, the most important are: – Support of Ethernet, ATM and Frame-Relay switches – Included hub (Bridge of Dynamips) and cloud (external connections) devices – Added the Dynagen console (nearly […]