While surf on internet I found a lot of topology ready to test and explore, more come from hacki forum. I just remember Solarflux collecting various pf.conf sample for learning purpose. Same purpose I try to do with this post before take my Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) 640 802. Like 101 resources for self learning cisco, I’ll update this list regularly once I found new topology.
List of books that might useful in understanding the topology :
For full list of books from CCNA, CCNP, CCIE , Click here to visit.
CCNA – 640 802
- CCNA Official Exam Certification Library (Exam 640-802), Third Edition (Containing ICND1 and ICND2 Second Edition Exam Certification Guides)
(save 37%)
- Network Fundamentals, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide
(save 16%)
- CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide: Exam 640-802
(save 37%)
- Network Fundamentals, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide
(save 41%)
- LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide
(save 43%)
- Routing Protocols and Concepts, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide
(save 41%)
- LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide
(save 24%)
- Accessing the WAN, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide
(save 30%)
- CCNA 640-802 Exam Certification Library, Simulator Edition
(save 37%)
- CCNA Portable Command Guide (2nd Edition)
(save 37%)Others
- CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide (3rd Edition) (Exam Certification Guide)
- CCNP Official Exam Certification Library (5th Edition) (Official Exam Certification)
- Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN) (Authorized CCDA Self-Study Guide) (Exam 640-863) (2nd Edition)
- Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI) (Authorized Self-Study Guide) (3rd Edition) (Self-Study Guide)
- Cisco Networking Simplified (2nd Edition) (Networking Technology)
List of Training that useful to help you pass Cisco certification :
Instructor Chris Bryant
- CompTIA Network+ 2009 Training, Microsoft, Novell, Cisco, HP, Lotus and 3Com recognize the CompTIA Network+ certification as part of their certification paths. Since it is a vendor-neutral exam, if you decide one day to get certified as an MCITP, CCNA, CCNP, etc., this training course will be a solid foundation for a successful IT career.
- Cisco CCNA Training, break down the theory and “real world” application of Cisco Networking. This exciting course contains nearly 29 hours of video instruction where networking theory break down as you work hands on with real Cisco routers & switches… and build your own working network plus Knowledge to Pass the Cisco CCNA 640-802 Exam.
- Cisco CCNA Security Training, this exciting course contains over 13 hours of video instruction where I break down network security theory as you work hands on with real Cisco routers & switches… and secure your own network plus knowledge Necessary to Pass the Cisco CCNA Security/IINS 640-553 Exam.
- Cisco CCENT Training, Acquiring your CCNA certification can be challenging. Cisco recognizes this and has responded with a 2-step solution. By essentially splitting the CCNA into 2 exams (CCENT & ICND2), you can give your brain a break and achieve your goals at your own pace. This course focuses on complete coverage of the CCENT exam (640-822 ICND1).
- Cisco ICND2 Training, you will be tested on such topics as VLSM and IPv6 addressing; extending switched networks with VLANs; configuring, verifying and troubleshooting VLANs; the VTP, RSTP, OSPF and EIGRP protocols; determining IP routes; managing IP traffic with access lists; NAT and DHCP; establishing point-to-point connections; and establishing Frame Relay connections.Help you achieve the second half of the new CCNA exams (640-816 ICND2).
- Cisco CCNP Training, Four Powerful Courses Cover Real World Application and Exam Prep for BSCI, BCMSN, ONT & ISCW : 642-901 BSCI, 642-812 BCMSN, 642-845 ONT, 642-825 ISCW.
- Cisco BSCI Training, Build Scalable Cisco Internetworks
Using Advanced IP Addressing and Routing and help yourself to pass Your 642-901 BSCI Exam. - Cisco BCMSN Training, Get your hands “dirty” as I lead you through scenarios and examples that will prepare you for any challenge Cisco throws at you and be ready for Ace Your 642-812 BCMSN.
- Cisco ISCW Training, Learn How To Expand the Reach of an enterprise Network to Remote Sites While Focusing On Securing Remote Access and VPN Client Configuration and Help You Pass Your 642-825 ISCW.
- Cisco ONT Training, Learn How To Set Up a Cisco Network Step-by-Step and Implement VoIP, QoS, and Wireless in No Time plus Pass Your 642-845 ONT Exam.
Here’s the topology lists :
1. CCNP + CCNA Lab Topology for Chris Bryant Classes
I just expand the topology to work fine with some topics for the CCNP training videos, i added R4 and R5 and connected them ( R4 connected to R3 via Ethernet & R5 connected to R1 via Ethernet ) so u will be able to practice all the labs in the Bryant Advantage Boot Camp for CCNA & CCNP, its really good stuff to learn form, highly recom (Cisco_Godfather).
Picture :
File : ccna_ccnp-sim.zip
2. CCNP+CCNA Lab Topology for Chris Bryant Classes (With Conf)
File : ccna_ccnp.zip
3. Using Dynamips for CCIE Lab Preparation
Video : Click Here
File : internetworkexperttopologies.zip
4. IPExpert Lab Topology V. 8.0 Full – Diagram A Standard Topology
IPExpert Lab Topology V. 8.0 Full – Diagram A Standard Topology and Initial Router configurations. The attached .zip contains the NET file, and the initial configurations for diagram A for IPExperts Diagram A. Diagram B addresses are used. This is the base configuration for all LAB’s from WB 8.0. I used two 3640’s with NM-16ESW modules to replace the 3550’s.
FIle : net-file-and-base-router-configurations-ipexpert-80.zip
Picture : ccnp_lab-diagram.zip
File : ccnp_109.zip
Picture :
File : iscw_1_1.zip
7. CCNP BSCI lab
Picture :config_exercise_diagram.zip
File : bsci-v2-labfile.zip
9. Expert-Labs, CCIE Routing and Switching, ISDN
10. Network Force
- Physical cabling scheme & device specifications of CCIE Rack-1
- Sample lab design Topology A (physical cabling always remains the same)
- Sample lab design Topology B (physical cabling always remains the same)
- Sample lab design Topology C (physical cabling always remains the same)
- Sample lab design Topology D (physical cabling always remains the same)
Other Links :
11. Access Server
File : Lab 1
13. CCNP/CCNA lab topology / sypt
Picture : ZIP
14. IEWB V3 VOL1 LAB1, R1 – R6 AND BB1 – BB3 NVRAM’s and .net file complete. Just add IOS and boot up. Uses 2 instances of Dynamips.
File : zip
15. MPLS VPNs with duplicate customer addressing
Here’s a topology file I’ve created with a 4-node MPLS network. Two MPLS VPNs are configured with identical LAN and WAN addressing. The 4 PE routers exchange routes using MP-BGP and use OSPF for the full mesh of MPLS connections. Each CE router has two connections to the network. I’ve included a PDF file that lays out the topology, IGP and VPN routing. ( Justin White CCIE #14745)
File :mplsv1.zip
16. IPExpert Section12 MultiProtA-DiagramA
What you’ll need:
- 1 x PC that can run Dynamips and VMWare. Min 1GB RAM, Pentium Celeron
- 1 x Pix 515 UR
- 1 x 3550 Switch
- 2 x ASA 5510
- 1 x VPN Concentrator 3005
- 1 x IPS 4215 (or FrankenIDS)
17. DMVPN config with EIGRP on 12.2T15
It consists of a Hub and a Spoke router emulated on the Dynamips emulator
18. MPLS VPNs v1.5 with MPLS-TE instead of LDP
Here’s the version 1.5 of my MPLS lab updated to use MPLS-TE instead of LDP for distribution of labels. There aren’t any other changes over version 1, so the diagrams should be identical. Remember that this version consists of a 4-node MPLS network. Two MPLS VPNs are configured with identical LAN and WAN addressing. The 4 PE routers exchange routes using MP-BGP and use OSPF for the full mesh of MPLS connections. Each CE router has two connections to the network ( Justin White CCIE #14745 )
File : mplsv15.zip
19. MPLS VPNs v2.5 with MPLS-TE instead of LDP
Here’s the version 2.5 of my MPLS lab updated to use MPLS-TE instead of LDP for distribution of labels. There aren’t any other changes over version 2, so the diagrams should be identical. Remember that this version consists of a 6-node MPLS network with a pair of P-core routers that also act as route-reflectors for the PE routers. ( Justin White CCIE #14745 )
File : mplsv25.zip
20. 3 topologies in one lab (simple1,Frame-Relay,Ethernet-Switch)
File : topology.zip
21. MPLS ( based on Cisco very nice article you can see for your self in no more then 10 minutes a 6 router lab schema working with MPLS )
File : mpls.zip
22. ccie practice lab dynamips
.net topology that is smaller but very useful for IP Services practice like Proxy Arp, NAT, HSRP and all the things you want to test that do not require a full lab of 13 routers.
the lab was prepared from the IEWBv4 IPServices book under Advanced Technologies also to people that do not have this Work Book it can be very handy as it is not very hard to figure the structure of the lab.
File : newie
23. CCNP BSCI Student LAB from Curiculum
This is the first lab in the section EIGRP. (module 2 lab 1)
Attached is a picture of the layout, the gns file for those who use GNS-3 and of corse the net file.
You only have to change the path to your IOS image.
File : ccnp-bcsi.zip
24. GRE over IPSEC with EIGRP lab
This is a working lab built straight from the configuration guide from Cisco.com
File : gre-over-ipsec-with-eigrp-lab.zip
25. Cnap Bsci 642-901 Version 5.0 Dynamips Eigrp Lab Topology
Lab 2-1 EIGRP Configuration, Bandwidth, and Adjacencies
Lab 2-2 EIGRP Load Balancing
Lab 2-3 Summarization and Default Network Advertisement
Lab 2-4 EIGRP Frame Relay Hub and Spoke
Lab 2-5 EIGRP Authentication and Timers
File : cnap-labpackage.zip
26. Sample topology for Inter-AS MPLS VPNs
After reading a section from “MPLS and VPN Architectures, Vol 2”, I looked closer at a feature that allows VPNv4 routes to be exchanged between two MPLS networks without requiring LDP or MPLS-TE, just BGP. Here’s the Cisco document:
MPLS VPN—Interautonomous System Support
Only the sample in the Cisco docs doesn’t document every step involved, so I’ve used their topology and filled in my own blanks. The attached ZIP file has a PDF showing the topology. Table 3 shows the specific platforms and minimum versions of IOS that support this feature.
Personally, this might be one of the coolest features that might appear on the CCIE SP lab. This was really fun to put together and I hope it helps someone one else too.
Justin White
CCIE #14745
File : interas-asbr.zip
27. IPV6 RIPng
28. BGP/Default Route Lab (Brian)
Here’s a topology that mimics a network I just completed building. It consists of one location (AS65000) multihomed to 2 ISP’s (AS300,400), with a remote site (R2) connected to ISP B (AS400). Both sites, (R1,R2) are connected with a T1.
What I’m doing with this lab is sending a default route to R2 via BGP, full tables to R65000, and redistributing the default path to OSPF.
Since I’m using IOS firewall images, you could also have IPSec/GRE tunnels setup and run OSPF between R1 and R2.
Here is an IPv6 EIGRP Topology over Frame-Relay with an OSPFv3 route redistributed in to EIGRP.
Frame-Relay Cloud
R1 – IP Address ABCD::AC0C:7B01/96 (s1/0)
R2 – IP Address ABCD::AC0C:7B02/96 (s1/0)
R3 – IP Address ABCD::AC0C:7B03/96 (s1/0)Fast Ethernet
R2 – IP Address BCDE::AC0C:1702/96 (fa1/0)
R3 – IP Address BCDE::AC0C:1703/96 (fa1/0)
R4 – IP Address BCDE::AC0C:1704/96 (fa1/0)Point-to-Point Serial
R3 – IP Address CDEF::A02:203/96 (s1/1)
R4 – IP Address CDEF::A02:204/96 (s1/1)Loopbacks
R1 – IP Address 1111:1111::/16 (Lo0)
R2 – IP Address 2222:2222::/16 (Lo0)
R3 – IP Address 3333:3333::/16 (Lo0)
R4 – IP Address 4444:4444::/16 (Lo0)
R4 – IP Address 4545:4545::/16 (Lo1)To use a Full Mesh Frame-Relay you have to map the link-local and interface addresses to the dlci. Only the link-local will have to be broadcast. Link-local addresses may vary from mine.
The command is frame-relay map ipv6 <IP Address> <DLCI>Do a show ipv6 interface f0/0 to get the Link-Local address for each router connected to the frame-relay cloud.
To enable IPv6 routing type ipv6 unicast-routing followed by ipv6 cef globally
Then type ipv6 router eigrp <process> followed by no shutdown.
The EIGRP process by default, is in a shutdown status. Just like an interface. You will have to type no shutdown in the EIGRP process. This is a common error for those new to IPv6 EIGRP.EIGRP also has to be enabled at the interface level by typing ipv6 enable followed by ipv6 eigrp <process>
Put R4’s Loopback 1 into OSPFv3 area 0, then redistribute it into IPv6 EIGRP.
Ping all Address.
If you want to duplicate this topology you need at least IOS Version 12.4(6)T. Thats when Cisco introduced EIGRP for IPv6.
File : file
30. IPv6 running OSPFv3 & RIPng
Here is an IPv6 Routing Lab – Using 4-3640 Routers
It is running OSPFv3 and RIPng. Redistribution will be set up on R3. This will be a pure IPv6 environment. (as pure as I can get it)
I recommend IOS 12.3 or better
R1 & R2 are connected via Serial links using these ipv6 addresses
R1 — 0:1111:2222:3333::1/48 (s0/0)
R2 — 0:1111:2222:3333::2/48 (s0/0)
R2 & R3 are connected via Serial links using these ipv6 addresses
R2 — 0:2323:2222:3333::2/48 (s0/1)
R3 — 0:2323:2222:3333::3/48 (s0/0)
R3 & R4 are connected via Ethernet links using these ipv6 addresses
R3 — 0:3434:3333:4444::4/48 (e1/0)
R4 — 0:3434:3333:4444::3/48 (e1/0)
The Loopbacks for each router
R1 — 0:1111:1111:1111::1/48
R2 — 0:2222:2222:2222::2/48
R3 — 0:3333:3333:3333::3/48
R4 — 0:4444:4444:4444::4/48
The first thing you should do is enable ipv6 unicast-routing and ipv6 cef globally.
Then enter the IPv6 addresses.
Note: some IOS require you to type ipv6 enable at the interface level.
Router 1
Enable a router-id of for the OSPFv3 process
The Loopback and the Serial interface should be in area 0
Turn off ipv4 routing
Router 2
Enable a router-id of for the OSPFv3 process
The Loopback and both Serial interfaces should be in OSPFv3 area 0
Turn off ipv4 routing
Router 3
Enable a router-id of for the OSPFv3 process
The Loopback interface should be in OSPFv3 area 3
The Serial interface should be in OSPFv3 area 0
The Ethernet interface should be in RIPng process
Turn off ipv4 routing
Router 4
The Loopback and Ethernet interface should be in the RIPng process
Turn off ipv4 routing
Redistribution on Router 3
1.) Redistribute RIPng routes into OSPFv3 with a metric of 120 and include connected routes.
2.) Redistribute OSPFv3 routes into RIPng with a metric of 3 and include connected routes.
Make sure you can ping all routes.
Some Basic IPv6 commands
ping 0:6754:4567:8899:33:84:4
show ipv6 route
show ipv6 rip
show ipv6 ospf
show ipv6 interface brief
File : config
31. IEWB – Service Provider Topology – Visio Diagram v1.0
I have made this Visio diagram to have a better overview of the internetwork expert 4.0 service provider topology .
I have tried to match physical interfaces + Frame-relay Dlci + ATM Vci on the diagram itself so when you study you have everyting “insight”.
(Conan at hacki Forum)
FIle : sp-provider-topology.zip
32. 3725 – Configuring a Basic MPLS VPN
You can emulate with this a 05 router MPLS VPN backbone, capable of having different customers CPE’s and working even if they have the same IP addresses and transport BGP.
It worked fine at a 1G RAM IBM NetVista Desktop with one 1.8 GHz processor.
Just remember to have SP Services IOS for this 3725
FIle : mplsv2.zip
33. MPLS VPN Topology with 2 VPNS/4 CORE Router/4 CE/
Here is a Topology for MPLS VPNs with 2 different VPNs connected to the CORE, and there is a route reflector RR connected to both PEs:
va-ce1 vb-ce1 va-ce2 vb-ce2
FIle : mpls-lab.zip
FIle : dynamips-dynagen_ipexpert_version_90_topology.zip
36. Vlan LAB
File : vlan-lab.zip
37. BGP Topology Lab
File : bgp.zip
38. CCNA Lab for Dynamips / Dynagen
39. TrunkMonster.013.net CCNA lab for 3640’s with switch module
Here is a lab I use for router and switch practice.
It has lots of redundancy.The IP addresses are just suggestions.
I did it this way so that RIP and IGRP can be used too.Designed for 3640 with a NM-16ESW switch module.
Needs IOS that understands switches.
I can not find the Cisco page with minimum IOS info, please forgive!
(sumthin like 122-8.T minimum)
File : Monster
40. Cisco Student Guide topology
I want to share the cisco mpls student guide 2.2 for practices.
This includes the topology and the *.net file.Greetz and thanks for this great forum
File : mplslab
41. CCNP Labs (video, etc) very complete .
42. CCNA Labs (video, etc) complete.
43. IPExpert Service Provider ( SP ) v.4.0 topologies.
Here is the topology for the IPexpert Service provider v4.0 workbooks
There is one .net for the A1 rack and another for the 7200 rack.
File : ipexpert
44. DMVN by sankilla.
File : dmvn
45. 3 Router lab for basic static, default routes, RIP and IGRP
46. BGP Lab, test eBGP, iBGP, route policing and route-maps.
File : bgp_lab
47. Dynamips topology incl net file for BCMSN.
For my BCMSN study I copied the topology from my workbook and made the *.net file for dynamips.
It does not cover all topics but you can test with STP, VTP, Etherchannel, etc.
I use the C3640-JK9O3S-M), Version 12.4(16a) IOS version.
File : bcmsn
48. MPLS Lab using multiple vrfs, ospf, ldp, MP-IBGP from theciscotech.
File : lab2
49. BGP Lab V01 by David Sudjiman
50. MPLS Lab version 3 by Justin White. Supports IPv6 VPN feature (6VPE) 2008-04-23
File : MPLS Ver 3
51. MPLS Lab version 3.5 by Justin White. Supports IPv6 VPN feature (6VPE) 2008-04-23
File : MPLS Ver 3.5
52. CBT CCIE practice lab by French Cisco User Group
53. Dynamips Dynagen GNS3 – OSPF virtual links by French Cisco User Group
54. Dynamips Dynagen GNS3 – Topologie IPv6 avec des 2691 by French Cisco User Group
55. Dynamips Dynagen MPLS VPN by French Cisco User Group
56. GNS3 ccna troubleshooting lab
Goal is to resolve connection between the end points
Password for everything is ‘trouble’
Used c2691-adventerprisek9_sna-mz.124-13b.bin for IOS
Default location for these files is C:\Program Files\GNS3\projects
File : trouble
57. Basic setup for NetMasterClass DOiT Workbook, from CCIE track.
58. CCNP lab (BGP/Default Route Lab)
File : ccnp3
59. Cisco student guide topology
File : MPLS-Lab
60. EIGRP lab example given in Jeff Doyle Vol 1
File : EIGRP
Attached are MPLS topologies from MPLS Configurations On Cisco IOS Software examples. Topologies for MPLS Inter AS and Carrier-Supporting-Carrier are on the way. Please enjoy and fell free to fine tune to meet your requirement(s).
File : mpls-bgp-rr-confed
62. TrunkMonster.013.net CCNA lab for 3640’s with switch module
Designed for 3640 with a NM-16ESW switch module.
File : trunkmonster
63. Example given in Jeff Doyle Vol 1 – EIGRP, OSPF
File : eigrp and ospf
Last Update : July 15 2011