I myself still feel amazing on how harddisk work such ; where is the data located? how fragmentation looks like Still a lot of question left 🙂 Yesterday I found interesting software that might be able to answer my question Here’s Windirstat work for 🙂 Some Windirstat feature from Author site : The directory list, […]
Author: alamster
Installing PowerDns on Windows XP
The PowerDNS Nameserver is a modern, advanced and high performance authoritative-only nameserver. It is written from scratch and conforms to all relevant DNS standards documents. Frankly, I need dns server for my PC running Windows XP , tired editing hosts file and distribute to all class 🙂 Finally I found PowerDNS Nameserver that help me […]
Step by step make iso from dvd or cd
I can’t wait much longer to try out my sun solaris startet kit, no spare harddisk for me till I remember my VirtualBox. After doing search in google i found usefull link : Iso Recorder V 2 This great tool created by Alex Feinman Since I already has Windows XP sp 2 installed, I can […]
Step by step installing VirtualBox in Windows XP
VirtualBox is another virtualization products for i386 family, from official site : Presently, VirtualBox runs on Windows, Linux and Macintosh hosts and supports a large number of guest operating systems including but not limited to Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista), DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4 and 2.6), and OpenBSD. If you get confuse […]
Cisco simulator using dynamips
During waiting period for cisco router arrive in the lab, I’m looking for software which is able simulating cisco for student and myself like vmware that provide computer inside the computer. I’m lucky to find very interesting software : Dynamips From author site : The goals of this emulator are mainly: To be used as […]