My wife flickr account pro almost expire, it will expire on October 2009. Since she stay at my mother in law house with our newly born child she ask me to renew her account on flickr. I thought the process is quite clear but I’ll post it for some people that might have difficult on […]
Author: alamster
Howto install Aptana studio with php support
I’m old fashion student who use phpcoder as tool for coding php until my friend suggest aptana editor with php support. When everything configured properly I’ll have php interpreter for immediate debug purpose and I think it’s suitable for new php user 🙂 I decide to give this software a try and here it goes. […]
WARNING: Found /var/db/mysql/my.cnf
MySQL 5.4 beta already hit freebsd ports and I eager to try it after read a lot of review. Everyhing seem OK until I want to start the server. # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server restart mysql not running? (check /var/db/mysql/ hmmm, perhaps I can try mysqld_safe # /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe & [1] 87164 proxy2# WARNING: Found /var/db/mysql/my.cnf Datadir is deprecated […]
How to Setting ntp client in Mikrotik
RouterBoard have special behavior, that’s my observation after install MT in hard disk and then bought RB433AH. In RB433AH time setting automatically to January 1970 every time its get restart. Till I use ntp (network time protocol) client in MT. The step to set ntp client in MT : 1. Click ‘System’ -> NTP Client. […]
Setting up RouterBoard RB433 AH
New Mikrotik RB has arrived, its RB433AH wireless indoor. As I never use mikrotik before it’s time to configure it for first use : 1. Download neigbour viewer for windows from mikrotik. 2. Unzip the files using winzip or winrar. Double click to launch neighbour viewer At first time IP address will display it […]